May 2019
Blair Witch Project director will turn Ybor City into a horror hotbed
The community that made Tampa Cigar City will be temporarily transformed into Horror City.
Director Dan Myrick, whose The Blair Witch Project is one of the highest grossing independent movies of all time, will make a horror web series this summer tentatively titled Lost Ybor, based and shot in Ybor City.
For the full article, CLICK HERE.
Zoo Tampa to Star in 6-Part Series on Nat Geo Wild
Nat Geo WILD heads to the Tampa Bay area next year to feature ZooTampa in a six-part TV series.
The series is set for a winter 2020 premiere and aims to showcase the "exotic cast of animals with a stellar team of humans devoted to them" at the zoo.
Tampa-based Spectrum Productions is producing the series. The company was also behind the Nat Geo WILD series Secrets of the Zoo.
For the full story, CLICK HERE.
Earlier this month our office completed its 1100th permit since opening our doors in 2013. Each permit takes on average of 6 - 10 hours to accomplish. This includes site management, parking, and logistic coordination, insurance certificates, approval of various departments (at the county level this includes seven departmental approvals), road closures, and police coordination, as well as a host of unique requests individual to each production. Often weather or scheduling will lead to dramatic shifts in the original permit, resulting in having to start from scratch. Despite this, we consistently complete permits between 3-5 business days.
We like to say our office is small but mighty. For the majority of our life span, we have been an office of two people, though, at times, it has been as little as a single person. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and a film production is not unlike this analogy, with all that entails. While our office is the tip of the ice burg, there is a vast array of departments, governmental entities, and individuals that make what we do possible.
The next time you see a deputy or police officer, know many of them have worked at least one of the 1100 productions that have come through Tampa. Next time you are filming at a park, know that the various attendants and maintenance workers are there early to make sure the park is looking its best for your shoot. Every bagged meter, surface lot, and parking garage you have landed in was made possible by the men and women of our parking division. The list is endless.
It takes a village, and Hillsborough County and the City of Tampa are a village that not only cares about film production, but we will go the extra mile to make sure your experience is unique, and memorable. On behalf of Film Tampa Bay, if you were one of the cast, crew, or agencies that were responsible for bringing one of those 1100 productions to our area, we thank you for sharing your story and your business with the Tampa Bay community.
Local Production Spotlight Continued…
Nicole Abbett is a Tampa based photographer, videographer, artist and drone pilot. A graduate of the University of South Florida, she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in photography. Her commercial photography business expanded five years ago when Nicole picked up her first drone. Rapidly obtaining certification, she established herself as a leading droneographer in the Tampa Bay area and became the first woman to fly at an active airport in the U.S., as well as the first woman to fly for the NHL (National Hockey League).
Stay tuned for more about Nicole Abbett.
FREE Screening: Local Thriller “NOT ALONE”
An unsuspecting family buys a mansion for a bargain but discovers a presence in the home and must fight to save their lives.
Filmed in Tampa Bay, thriller "Not Alone" is screening at the beautiful Tampa Theatre Sat, June 22 at 2 pm.
The event is free to the community, but you must register on the link to attend.
Register here:
Coming Soon
Limelight Speaker Series Presents
photographer, artist, advocate
Thu, June 6
Tampa Theatre
711 N Franklin St. Tampa, FL 33602
Second Screen Cult Cinema
Wed, June 12
The King of Comedy (1982)
6 pm cocktails | 7 pm showtime
Epicurean Hotel, Autograph Collection
12017 S Howard Ave Tampa, FL 33606
Film Bar Mondays
Mondays 6pm - 9pm
Tampa Bay Locations Vary
Stay up to date by
joining them on Facebook
WIFT Wednesdays
Women in Film & TV
Stay tuned for time and location
on their Facebook page
Because of Sam "First Look" Screening
Mon, Jul 29 7:30 - 9pm
Tampa Theatre
711 N Franklin St. Tampa, FL 33602
Tickets available now!
Recent Productions
27 productions filmed within
Hillsborough County - May 2019
Notable Commercial
Advent Health
Atlanta Braves
Regions Bank
Visit Florida
Notable Feature Film
I Saw a Man with Yellow Eyes
Where the Land Meets the Sky
Notable TV Show
American Monster Season 4
Nat Geo's Brain Games